About Project Yesu
Project Yesu has a rich history of providing transformative education and support services to vulnerable children in Musima, Uganda. Our story began in 2011 with a simple Christmas list. At just 11 years old, our founder, looking around at her own abundance, felt a deep desire to help children in Africa who lacked basic necessities. Inspired by a visit from the Ugandan Orphan Children’s Choir, she emailed her parents a single item on that list: to help Africa.
That heartfelt request sparked a journey of compassion and action. After connecting with organizations working in Uganda, Project Yesu was born. Our founder’s initial goals were simple, but her dream was enormous. And as so often happens, when we offer our dreams to a greater purpose, they grow beyond anything we could have imagined.
From those early days, Project Yesu has blossomed into an impactful organization, making a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable children in Musima. We’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of education, not just for individuals, but for entire communities. Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world, with nearly half of its citizens under the age of 15. At Project Yesu, we’re investing in this next generation, equipping them with the tools they need to break free from the constraints of poverty and build a sustainable future for their nation.
Since 2013, we’ve been empowering young people through access to quality primary and secondary education. As our students graduate and pursue post-secondary opportunities, we continue to support their aspirations with targeted scholarship and funding initiatives. Over the years, we have continually refined our programs to best serve our children and the Musima community. Our work to strengthen families is evident in the growing number of reunited families and our impactful Good Dads Club. Through this initiative, we equip fathers with the skills and resources they need to be positive role models and active participants in their children’s lives, addressing the critical issue of absent fathers and fostering stronger family units.
Beyond academics, Project Yesu addresses the holistic needs of our beneficiaries. Our mentoring and counseling programs provide essential guidance and emotional support, while annual dental and medical outreaches ensure access to vital healthcare. We also recognize the importance of healthy family dynamics and offer parenting and marriage seminars to further strengthen the community fabric.
For the past 13 years, Project Yesu has evolved and grown, always learning and adapting to the ever-changing needs of those we serve. As our founder has transitioned to pursue her career and family, her legacy continues through our team both in the US and in Uganda. We remain deeply committed to the Musima community, working hand-in-hand with local leaders, building trust, and continuously striving to improve our programs. Project Yesu’s journey is a testament to the power of compassion, unwavering dedication, and the fundamental belief that every child deserves a chance at a brighter future. As our founder so eloquently stated, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We invite you to join us in being that change.

Our Team
Our Ugandan team are the boots on the ground and the key to our success. They work tirelessly to serve the children in our programs, and continually seek ways to grow our programs and support our children and families in the best possible way. As an organization, we believe strongly in hiring from within the community we serve. They know the struggles of our children, they can walk alongside our families and be a shining example of what is possible. We are blessed to have an amazing team, and we have a shared vision and work together toward the same mission, changing lives.
Akello Eunice, In-Country Director
My name is Eunice, I have been serving with Project Yesu as a social worker and coordinator for about four years now since 2016. Throughout the years I have realized my potential and ability to serve Christ with the knowledge, wisdom, and skills that God has given me. I have seen how Hope has been restored to the children who would not have gone to school and families who would not have afforded to put their children in school through Project Yesu. I am happy that we now have 316 children going to 1st class schools, this wouldn’t have been possible for these vulnerable children and their families without Project Yesu.
Like any other organization, we have faced a number of challenges throughout the years including young girls dropping out of school, getting pregnant and going into child marriage. A number of factors could have led to this but the most triggering factor is the negative perception of the society which continue to view girls as fit for marriage and kitchen only hence discouraging them from staying in school and also the men who entice these young girls with petty gifts and because of poverty most of the parents can not offer such items like knickers, dresses, etc to these girls and in the end, they are used by these men, therefore, leading to pregnancy and school drop out.
Project Yesu has not only paid school fees for the kids but among other things includes providing sanitary pads to the girls, providing school requirements to the neediest kids, providing food and its kind to families, etc.
To me Serving with Project Yesu is not just a job which I earn from every month but it’s a platform where I see myself doing what exactly God wants me to do, I am glad that I am part of the change that Project Yesu is causing today and I would like to appreciate all the sponsors, supporters and well-wishers Project Yesu. May God bless you.
Afuna Mark, Lead Social Worker
My name is Mark, a social worker in Project Yesu, I started in 2019. I am so honored to be part of and able to work with Project Yesu team both in Uganda and the United States to help give hope and a smile to many families in Musima community.
Children in Musima have gotten an opportunity to attain a good education from really good schools hence a brighter future for them. These children have also had a chance to access good medical care which has improved their general health thanks to Project Yesu.
I thank God for the chess program which has helped to expose our children during tournaments, they have had chances to travel and also make new friends outside their community.
Kilya Bonafice, Mentor & Property Manager
My name is Kijoph Pharazio aka Kilya Bonfice. I have been working with Project Yesu since 2020 as a property manager and a mentor at the same time. I am so grateful for the opportunity that PY granted me to serve the vulnerable families in Musima and the nearby communities at large to be part of the change. During my stay at Project Yesu, I have been given many opportunities to serve in different areas to which counseling of both parents and children is one of the areas that I have managed to handle successfully. To the parents who separated in marriage, they have been having a wrong mentality that once some body fails to be a husband or wife, he or she doesn’t qualify to be a father or a mother to his or her children. Hence leaving children to suffer in the hands of single parents. Thank God that to those whom I have managed to meet, even when they are not staying together, they communicate and work together for the goodness of their children. This would have not been possible without Project Yesu.
Munanuzi Alex, Mentor
My name is Mununuzi Alex, a mentor with Project Yesu. I started serving with PY in 2022. I am happy and grateful to be part of and serving with PY. Project Yesu is restoring the hope of vulnerable children in the community of Musima, who could not afford school, by taking them to good schools. Besides that PY also restored my hope and I am now the change in my family. I give thanks to God for Project Yesu and for the great Change that it has caused in the lives of the vulnerable children and families in the community of Musima.
Bigala Irene, Mentor
My name is Irene, a social worker, mentor, counselor in Project Yesu. I began working with PY in March 2023. I thank the management of Project Yesu in Uganda and U.S.A for giving me this opportunity to serve as well as to work. Being part of the transformation that PY is causing to the community makes me happy because it gives me an opportunity to serve, grow and also utilize my God given potential.
Project Yesu is an amazing organization demonstrating God’s love in action i.e many children who had lost hope their hope was restored through educational support and health support, this has given hope to their future and their health restored living them with smiles and joy. Great thanks to the founder, sponsors and everyone God is using to stretch his hand to our dear children. Happy to be part of the change and ready always to be used by God, God bless.
Our US Board of Directors
Project Yesu is led and guided by a group of dedicated people who volunteer their time to make Project Yesu be the best we can be.
Rory Fundora
My name is Rory Fundora. My commitment to Project Yesu is both deeply personal and profoundly impactful. As the mother of Mallory, the organization’s founder, I have been a driving force since its inception in 2011. My 30+ years in education, coupled with extensive experience working with various non-profits, provide a unique and valuable perspective. In my role as Executive Director, I offer crucial support to Project Yesu, both on the ground in Uganda and from our base in the United States. I plays a vital role in program development, fundraising initiatives, and building relationships with key partners. I am the mother of three and Gigi/Jjajja of two, My heart extends far beyond my own family. I am lucky to be affectionately known as “Mama” to hundreds of children in Uganda, a testament to the love and dedication I have been bless to pour into their lives.
Allan Mugumya
My name is Allan Mugumya. I’m a husband, father, and a longtime friend of Project Yesu. I am extremely humbled by the privilege to serve Project Yesu as Board Member starting in April 2024.
My wife Eva and I were born, raised, and lived in Uganda until 2009 when I moved to the USA to be later joined by Eva in 2016. We currently live in Clarksville, Tennessee with our children Ella and Josiah.
I first came into contact with PY in 2011 when I met Mallory and her parents at a church that we both attended. Since then, the Fundora family have become more than dear friends and Project Yesu’s work has always been near and dear to my heart.
Over the years, my wife and I have been and continue to be honored by being part of what PY is doing for the vulnerable and underprivileged children in Uganda. We are proud sponsors of two amazing children through PY. We cherish Sophia and Elijah’s friendship as we look to a future full of promise.
Jeremiah 29:11
Michelle Taunton
My name is Michelle Taunton and I have the distinct honor of being asked to be on the Board of Directors for Project Yesu earlier this year. I became aware of Project Yesu many years ago through Rory. Once our 3 boys had left for basic training, John and I felt called to help children. So naturally, we thought of PY. We started sponsoring our sweet Sumayia and after a few years we added our boy, Martin. Shortly thereafter, our son, Andrew and his wife, Racheal, decided to help their girl Perepetwa. As the years went on, Martin graduated and moved on to university and we started helping our new daughter Evas!! I have been privileged to get to travel to Uganda 3 times to visit the village. Most recently, this past April and was AMAZED at the change in the village from my first visit in 2015 to now. The whole goal of PY is to eventually not be needed at all and I would say we are well on our way to that goal, and I am so truly HONORED to be a part of that. I fully believe we are giving them the hand-up they need and not just putting a band aid on their challenges.
I have been married to my husband, John, for 31 years and have 3 kids of my own, Kevin, Nathan, and Andrew. We have 2 pups, Bella and Angus and a cat named Remington. We love hanging out with friends and family (most times friends ARE family) as they are the most important things in life. We are avid race fans, car enthusiasts, hikers, travelers, and sports fans.
Taira Massey
My name is Taira Massey and I joined the Project Yesu board the beginning of 2024. I went on a mission trip in 2012 and it stirred something in my heart for Africa and adoption. I adopted a son from Ethiopia in 2014. I sponsor three girls currently through Project Yesu.
I am originally from Montana but I have lived in Tennessee for 19 years. I am married to my husband, Kenny, and I have three sons, Gavin, Kylar, and Beza. I love my three dogs, working out, eating healthy, and relaxing by my pool.
Korina Biemesderfer – Secretary
Korina Biemesderfer has been side by side with Project Yesu since its inception. Quite literally since Mallory is her sister! And what started as a supportive role of working events and helping when needed, has since evolved into handling events for Project Yesu as a whole. With a Bachelors degree in Communications and a concentration in Theatrical Design, she brings her eye for detail, unique ideas and organizational tools to each event. Those organizational tools also help her to handle some of the clerical work for Project Yesu as well. She is a mother to a wild toddler, whom she has created some amazing parties for, and married her college sweetheart! As a family, they sponsor of Kayumba and Responsible through Project Yesu and hope to add more!
Our UG Board of Directors
Our Ugandan Board of Directors is essential in leading and guiding Project Yesu with wisdom, discernment, knowledge of local customs and experience in working with CBOs, NGOs and other non-profits.

Ainembabazi Grace
My wife and I believe that serving God is the reason we exist, just like any other true believer of the Gospel of our Lord. We do not take who we’re for granted; every skill, every talent, every opportunity, every blessing, everything we’re, is to be used for the glory of God. That’s why we love to serve. The other day I was thinking about how God calls us to serve, and I realized it is such a huge blessing to recognize that actually God is calling. I was like out of 7.8 billion people in this world, it’s just a miracle that I am the one standing in this gap! It’s not a coincidence. So I am honored to be part of this vision that God placed in Mallory’s heart. Thank you for believing in me.
Nyakarungi Diana
My name is Diana Nyakarungi, married to Kasule joseph. We have one son Josiah Solomon Kasule. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in counseling and guidance from Kyambogo university. I have a five years experience working with Families and children with special needs . Currently I work as a family mentor with The Amazima school .
Tas Silver
Bio Coming Soon!
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