Day 11 – 19 July 2015

We started our day today hopping on a boda (motorcycle) and going to church at Acacia Church, listening to Pastor Terry “bring it”. Loved getting to worship back at Acacia, God is so real and so present here. We got to visit with some friends and then we headed out to...

Day 10 – 18 July 2015

The rest of our team made it safe and sound late last night….welcome to Uganda…first stop Acholi Quarter. We arrived just as Agnes and Hellen, our cooks, had the porridge ready for a Saturday community feeding. After a quick game of “bolingo” the kids started arriving...

Day 9 – 17 July 2015

Today we met our Program Coordinator, Margret in town to do some shopping for some of the families in our sponsorship program. Their sponsors sent money to buy things that the families needed. So we bought mattresses, posho, sugar, salt, soap and a new dress for a...

Day 8 – 16 July 2015

Today we spent the day in the field with Sole Hope. Dru and Asher run an amazing program removing jiggers. If you don’t know what jiggers are, first of all DON’T Google it, trust me. Jiggers are a type of sand flea that burrow into your skin and they lay eggs, and...

Day 7 – 15 July 2015

Today we went to my favorite place in the world, the village of Musima. Of course, we were greeted incredibly as soon as we arrive we were met by some of the children and their guardians. They were singing an dancing. Then they carried me in on a cart decorated with...
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