05 July 2013

Zeke riding in the motorcar

Zeke riding in the motorcar



precious moments

precious moments

Joshie walking

Joshie walking

Brooke and Mali learning how to make chapatti

Brooke and Mali learning how to make chapatti

making chapatti

making chapatti

Today we went to Ekisa in the morning and picked up Zeke for an outing. We brought him into town for pizza and a soda. He was so happy and proud to be riding the car and getting to come to town.

We invited our driver, Thomas, to join us for a soda. He was intrigued by Zeke, when I asked him if he had been around a special needs child like Zeke, he said no. It gave us a good chance to explain to him about Ekisa, what they do, how they are helping these children and the community. It was good also, because he Zeke would say things in Luganda, Thomas could translate. By the end of the outing, Zeke was calling him Uncle and Thomas loved it.

Zeke had such good manners, and even thanked the waiter for preparing him good food. He scarfed down a pizza and a coke, and loved every bit of it.

We spent the rest of the morning at Ekisa, and once the kids had lunch and went down for their naps we headed into town for lunch and a wifi break

After lunch we headed back to Ekisa and spent the afternoon with the children, and we even learned how to make mandazi with the kids, and Mama Oculu gave us the recipe. Then at dinner time we headed back to the house.

We made salad and David, our Ugandan friend, gave Brooke, one of our housemates, and Mali lessons on how to make chapatti (Mali’s favorite) then we ended the night playing Uno.

Project Yesu - projectyesu.org

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