Photo by Serving His Children

It always amazes me on how fast your life can just be flipped upside down, in a moment everything can change.

Yesterday, we got some great news about sweet Petra, a baby we met when we visited Serving His Children, a malnutrition rehabilitation clinic. Petra weighed only a few pounds, and in her short 2 months of life had been fighting to stay alive the day we met her. When we left that day, there were no guarantees for Petra, there had already been so many moments that everyone who was caring for her were convinced were her last. But yesterday the news came that brought tears to our eyes, happy tears, Petra was going home with her Mommy and Daddy, she was strong and healthy and was leaving Serving His Children to be loved and cared for by her family. When I told Mallory the good news, she just smiled and said “wow, when we saw her last month, I never thought she would be ok”. God is so good, at least thats what we say in the happy times.


Today I got a message from one of the sweet volunteers at the Ekisa house, the special needs orphanage that we work with.  A message I feared was coming, but hoped it never would. Today sweet Zuena went home to Heaven. After fighting her heart condition and medical issues for months, Zuena has gone home. My heart is breaking for the volunteers, mamas and staff at Ekisa, and for the sweet kids who are now missing another friend. I dread telling Mallory that the little girl that we have been praying for, who we met and loved on while were in Uganda is gone. Zuena’s beautiful smile, sassy personality and amazing strength to cling to life have left a mark on every person who met her. I sat in my office crying, sad tears, tears for Zuena’s father, who loved her the best he could, for the Emilys who had to mourn another loved child, for Erika who did all she could do to keep Zuena alive and healthy, for the volunteers, for the mamas and for the kids of Ekisa.


I wanted to yell out to God and ask why? Why would He bring Zuena to death’s door and back again so many times, to only have her leave this earth way too soon. I didn’t want to think that God was still good during the sad times. But He is, in the good times and in the bad times, His plans are always perfect.


Petra and Zuena touched so many lives fighting and struggling. One sweet girl won the battle, while the other sweet girl didn’t, but that doesn’t make their impact any more or any less. He used them both in His way, and His way is always perfect, its just that we can’t understand it this side of Heaven.



Photo by Ekisa

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