Love the view

Love the view

Playing ball in the Quarter

Playing ball in the Quarter

My guardian angel

My guardian angel

She has stolen my heart

She has stolen my heart

Hanging with the kids in the Quarter

Hanging with the kids in the Quarter

Touring St. John Bosco school with Gloria

Touring St. John Bosco school with Gloria

This is P5 Gloria's classroom

This is P5 Gloria’s classroom

Sweet treat for the girls

Sweet treat for the girls

This is my girl Gloria

This is my girl Gloria

Looking at photos with Teddy and Gloria

Looking at photos with Teddy and Gloria

Day 3 – 29 June 2014

Update: Day 3 and still no luggage

Today we started our day sitting out on the patio looking at the beautiful view. We could hear the music and preaching from a church not far away, it sounded amazing. We did our devotional and talked about mission work, and how to be out on the mission field helping and not hurting the people we love so deeply.

Then we headed out to the Acholi Quarter to pick up Santina, while we waited for her I played with some of the children. There is one girl who I call my guardian angel because every time I have been in the Acholi Quarter for the past 2 1/2 years she finds me and just watches me, up until last summer she never smiled or spoke. I was told she was “dumb” meaning mute, but last year when we were giving out the pillowcase dresses we gave her one and she was so happy, and ever since then she always smiles and says hi when she sees me.

We headed to St. John Bosco, the boarding school one of my kids Gloria attends. It was visiting day at the school so there were lots of families visiting their children. We quickly found the five children from the Acholi Quarter who are in school there including my sweet girl Gloria. We sat and talked, walked around as she and Teddy showed me around the school, their classrooms and even introduced me to their teachers. I got to sit in Gloria’s classroom and receive a report from her teachers on how she was doing, and she’s doing great, she’s so smart.

We got to watch Teddy and the other children practice a poem for a performance they have tomorrow, they have the great honor of performing for the President of Uganda. It was so cute to watch them practice and they worked so hard to make sure it was perfect.

We talked for hours and i showed them photos of my family, friends and things from back in the States they loved seeing all the funny photos, Taban one of the boys said “you have a very good life” he also told me I was very “stubborn” which to them is like saying sassy!

It was getting late and time to leave, I hugged Gloria and she turned around to walk away and started crying. it broke my heart to see her so sad, I told her I would see her again soon, but the tears still flowed. There is never enough time to visit, and “see you laters” are so hard to say.

After we got back to the Red Chili, Sharon our program coordinator for the breakfast program came to have dinner with us and to talk about the program and to give us her report. It was great getting to know her and to see how happy she is working with the feeding program.

Another flight comes in tonight from London…praying our bags will be on it!!

Sula Bulunge!

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