formulaWe are Uganda bound

June 25!

In preparation for our 3rd trip to Uganda we are dragging out the totes and ‘ginormous’ duffle bags and ready to load them up with supplies for our programs on the ground, and organizations we support in Uganda.

This is where we need you!

How can I help? So glad you asked….

One way is to donate to our 100 Day Challenge Campaign…we started this a couple of months ago, 100 days until the day we left to be exact…and if each day ONE person would donate $10 we would have $1,000 to buy supplies and pay the airline fees to bring them with us..simple right? You can donate right now by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button right over there ——————————————————————–>

Another way is to donate supplies! We need LOTS of stuff…so if you could donate one item (or two, or three) that would be AWESOME!

Here is what we need

  • Baby Formula (any brand, any kind)
  • Soccer Balls
  • Jump Ropes
  • Bubbles (small containers are the best)
  • Board Games (any kind kid-friendly)
  • Card Games (any kind kid-friendly)
  • Baby Items (playmate, floor toys, etc.)

Local friends, we will come pick up, meet you, whatever it takes. Far away friends email me at for an address to send items to.

We have an amazing group of friends from around the United States that have been sewing away and have donated hundreds of beautiful Pillowcase Dresses and Britches for Boys for us to bring to the kids. They will be SO excited to have some new clothes. I can’t wait to see those HUGE smiles!

Thank you guys for making a difference in the lives of children in Uganda!

Project Yesu -

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