Today we headed back to Musima to continue our home visits, but first…we paint.

The painting of our building had been delayed due to the burial last week but the guys were busy painting today so I jumped in and started helping. My brother Pande was painting also and we may end up with as much paint on ourselves as there is on the walls by the end, but its fun. The outside walls are tangerine and purple, and inside are cream and purple, its bright and colorful and I love it. The artist came who will be painting our sign and mural, I sat and watched him for a few minutes as he hand drew the letters to make his stencil for the lettering.

Around mid-day, we loaded up the van and headed out for home visits. I was excited because my friend JJ came to visit us today, JJ was one of the first people I met in Uganda and we’ve stayed friends ever since. He loves coming out to Musima to visit us and see our programs and what we are up to.

At one of our home visits today, we got to meet baby Abdul, a two-week old baby. At another home we got to meet 4-month-old twins….can you tell babies are my favorite? I could hold them and love on them all day.

Then we headed out to our farthest home visit to the shores of Lake Victoria to the village of Mayuge. I love this little fishing area, we went to the home of one of our boys and had lunch with his family. Then we went down to the lake, the fishermen were in for the afternoon the nets were all laid out to dry. Mukene (small silver fish) were drying on the shores.

I wish I could have taken a photo because as I was standing there I felt a little tug on my hand and I looked down into the face of the sweetest little girl with big cheeks and deep dark eyes, that were 100 years old. She was maybe 3 years old, and she knelt down to greet me. She just held my hand and stared into my eyes, I couldn’t look away. Sometimes the little ones fear whites, and you could see that this sweet girl was unsure but she didn’t back away, she just held my hand and stared into my eyes.

We spent a little more time on the shore, watching the fishermen bring in their boats and the night fishermen prepare to head out in the eventing. Then it was time to head back to town, drop everyone off and have dinner with one of our friends and her daughter.

I am blessed to be surrounded by some of the most amazing, Jesus loving friends here who pour into me, invest in me and love me. I am thankful to each of them for being a part of my journey here in Uganda.

Off to bed now….sula bulungi!

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