IMG_9492We did something new this trip..something we have not done for the past 4 years…we took a weekend off. Nothing exciting planned, just spending the weekend with my big brother David and his bosses, Abdul and Alisha and their sweet family. Before we always considered days off “wasting time” but now that we’ve been doing this year after year, we’ve discovered that days off are necessary, and its ok to take a break.

So after we finished for the day we headed to Bunga, just outside of Kampala to Abdul and Alisha’s house, we were welcomed by their two sweet girls who immediately latched on to Mallory. We spent Friday evening celebrating David’s birthday with a delicious dinner and yummy ginergread cookies, played UNO and watched a movie all together.IMG_9494

Saturday we woke up and headed down to the market to buy some chapatti, rolex and samosas and fresh bananas and pineapples….best breakfast ever! If you’re thinking a rolex is a fancy watch you are way wrong…its chapati (which is like a tortilla) with egg and tomatoes….breakfast burrito on crack! After breakfast it was playtime with the girls.

IMG_9504After their Mama came home we headed to Terra Nova to visit their school, I am so thankful for people who share heir experience and wisdom with me. Abdul and Alisha run an amazing school in the middle of a very poor community…they have provided a quality education at a tuition the families can afford. They encourage parent involvement, and work together with the community…its an amazing example of what I dream to one day have!

Once we were back at the house…it was time for a water balloon war…David, Peter, Kamyia, me and the girls…lets just say by the end…no one was dry and we had so much fun.IMG_9514

IMG_9516Sunday morning we headed to church…Kamyia experienced her first boda boda ride, and she loved it. After church we packed up and headed to Jinja. Best part of the long drive from Kampala to Jinja is stopping outside of Mbira forrest for Ugandan take out…chicken on a stick…or as my friend Esther calls it…chicken in your face. it is the BEST chicken you will ever eat!

When we arrived in Jinja we settled in and then went to sit outside. On of our friend Sonny, who work at the house, was sitting outside with his wife and 3 daughters, they were finishing up their homework. I loved seeing Sonny and Betty work with their children on their homework, helping them and valuing their education. Once homework was finished it was playtime, then Susan, the cook, came and asked if I would watch her baby while she prepared dinner…sure!  FullSizeRender

IMG_9538Then the best part of my day…my favorite boy Zeke and his mama came to visit. I met Zeke on my very first trip to Uganda. He was at Ekisa, a home for special needs children. From the first time I met him, he stole my heart. Over the years we have watching him grow into an amazing young boy, and we have watched him go from living in a home, to having a forever family when he was adopted by his mama Viola. We love spending time with this sweet family. I also fear that Zeke will forget me, since he only sees me once a year, but every time, as soon as he sees me his smile is HUGE and he yells “Auntie Mallory”. He is almost as tall as me now, but still thinks I can give him piggy back rides or carry him.

It was the perfect ending to a great weekend!

So now off to bed…Sula bulungi everyone! (Sleep well!)

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