Day 3 – 26 June 2018

Day 3 – 26 June 2018

Today was another normal day of the feeding program, 500 kiddos came in at 10:30 with hungry bellies and smiling faces. Yet again, they were hamming it up for the camera while eating their porridge. I also got to see a friend of ours Jennifer, and her sweet baby...

Day 2 – 25 June 2018

Day 2 – 25 June 2018

Today was our second day in the Acholi Quarter. Luckily, I got much more sleep than yesterday and had some amazing lemon pancakes for breakfast. Unlike yesterday, it was a normal day of the feeding program. We were greeted by a long line of school children at 10...

Day 1  – 24 June 2018

Day 1 – 24 June 2018

I woke up this morning before the sun was even up…that is normal on the first day….no sleep! We arrived in Uganda after 24 hours of traveling and made it to where we stay after midnight. We were met at the airport by our driver Moses, and my brother Pande. Walking out...

Day 23 – 19 July 2017

Day 23 – 19 July 2017

Today as we pulled out of the compound and headed to the village, and I couldn’t help but count the “lasts”. The last time we’d go around the round-about, last time we’d drive through Bugembe, last time down the hill into the village…all the “lasts” for this trip. I...

Day 22 – 18 July 2017

Day 22 – 18 July 2017

Our time is growing short, and the dreaded day is way too close and even though I try not to think about it, I can’t help but get sad knowing the “see you laters” are coming soon. But still we press on, and we headed back to Musima to continue our home visits, and...

Day 21 – 17 July 2017

Day 21 – 17 July 2017

Today we headed back to Musima to continue our home visits, but first…we paint. The painting of our building had been delayed due to the burial last week but the guys were busy painting today so I jumped in and started helping. My brother Pande was painting also and...

Days 19 and 20 – 15-16 July 2017

Days 19 and 20 – 15-16 July 2017

For the first few trips to Uganda, we would work in the field every day, and not take a break. Then a friend of ours sat us down and told us that we needed to take breaks when we are here. To have “days off” to spend time with friends, see the country, relax and...

Day 18 – 14 July 2017

Day 18 – 14 July 2017

Today when we arrived at the village, there were still many people around. The family of the man who passed away. They stay together for a few days to help each other. I looked around, people were cooking, talking and spending time together. I love the way they live...

Day 17 – 13 July 2017

Day 17 – 13 July 2017

When I first started working in Uganda, someone told me “the highs are high, and the lows are low” and that couldn’t be truer. Today was an emotional roller coaster of a day, and definitely one of the lows. Forgive me if this post rambles, or isn’t my usual, I am...

Day 16 – 12 July 2017

Day 16 – 12 July 2017

I woke up this morning knowing it was going to be a good day. We had 800kg of posho, 480kg of beans, 320kg of salt, 160 bricks of soap and 160 basins piled up in the compound. What is all that for you ask? It is for our big surprise! We are packing 160 blessing...

Are You ONE?

When ONE person decides to make a difference. When ONE person opens their eyes and heart to those in need. When ONE person stands strong against the tide of people telling them what they are doing is wrong. When ONE person gives their money...time...their gifts...their talents. When ONE meets another ONE and another and another the ONE becomes many, and the world changes!

Are you ONE?

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